Saturday, November 20, 2010

day 9: bound lotus

it was the very last thing i did on this day, to the minute. the start of the day was waking from odd dreams followed by the most unpleasant experience i have had in months. the energy from said event loomed cloudy hours after. despite this, the signs are pointing to a new life emerging and plenty of joy.
food is a steady focus playing with veggies & fruits and naming the curious liquids when they emerge from the Vitamix 3600 tap. nurtured in nature. gratitude felt is needing more expression. moving from "alone" to "on my own", gaining confidence in action. the asana was soothe & silence a long time afterward. time & space were altered: a sense of floating out then anchoring back into my body, fully. these days love seems sometimes small, sometimes simple, sometimes spontaneous, sometimes sleeping, sometimes slippery, sometimes soft.

Vitamix 3600 cooking demo:

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