Monday, February 21, 2011

southern spring

my body is aching to be touched, in a state of sustained, ardent springtide. i sit here with a cat at my feet, his tail gently whapping my right foot as my left foot lightly finds the fur on his back. a bird flutters from branch to branch in the thick of the bamboo trees, the sinking sun shimmering bronze through shifting gaps.

the light gently presses on skin like a touch of a lover, warming the earth & the air it passes through with cool soft winds that sigh, an easy sensuality that naturally rises from being nurtured, filled, taken care of; the euphoric season spiraling up into my body. an invisible force moves me. i have designed my life to listen & yield obedience to that deep inner knowingness.

my being tuned to the sweetness of everything. i feel the push of creation, the wanting to merge and bring forth new life; to reach utterly those places within that are least touched, that send pulsing communications of yearning, pleading for the way to be made.

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